However, many students need help in this area to builda presence and learn how to use them effectively. and jobs site Indeed are crucial networks for students to befamiliar with. But it’s about being clever on those platforms and strategic sowhen it comes to finding that perfect job, they can be found by recruiters oremployers and are ready to apply. I always talk to students about thinking likean SEO person with their LinkedIn profile.
Go look at the jobs that you wantand find the language and the words that are being used in those jobs. Thenstart to integrate Find Your Mobile Number List that language and words into your own profile,says StephenMarshall, CMO of the ETSU Research Corporate, East Tennessee State University.Students should also follow companies they aspire to work for and join groupsto keep up with trends and developments. Marshall believes the key is to helpstudents be proactive by contacting people who work at companies they areinterested in as an employer and asking them how they launched their careers.

He advises people to go view profiles of people that you would like to belike!On Indeed, students can learn to use action words and keywords to getfound in searches. They can also join networks and follow companies to see whatroles are coming up. Uploading a resumé on Indeed is critical as it can help tocontrol what an employer is seeing and tailor it to hit relevant keywords andshow real-life experience. Provide your students with industrycertifications With many graduates lacking the skills they need in themarketplace, education institutions need to look at effective ways to alignwith industry. What they teach needs to reflect what knowledge and skills areneeded in the marketplace and with digital marketing, that changes fast. That’swhy a lot of third-level institutions are looking to offer microcredentials andonline degrees or accredited degrees as a way to fill that skills and knowledgegap.