A further reason for this difference is the fact that the purchasing process in the B2B context is often much more structured and controlled. For B2C customers, the customer journey is often shorter and simpler, but still requires special attention. It involves fewer decision makers and requires a more general approach to segmentation. Digital lenses Can companies in the B2B and B2C market have common objectives.
Absolutely yes, or rather, there can be affinity but also contrast. Let's think about subscribing to the newsletter, lead generation more generally or downloading a catalogue. These are all conversions,measurable objectives that can C Level Contact List sometimes adapt to both realities. Audience segments When we talk about B2B and B2C we must remember that the reference market involves completely different audiences from each other.
Even if the customer journey - and therefore the 4 phases mentioned above - are potentially the same, the difference lies in the behavior.to ask for further information or assistance on the product before proceeding with the purchase . The channeling and purchasing phase is rather quick. Let's think about oneB2C fashion e-commerce: in order to proceed with the purchase of the red t-shirt with zip chosen in the specific category, the user will presumably not need to go through who knows what decision-making stages or - except in certain circumstances.