There are three types of CLTV : TEST How much do you know about marketing? Channels, metrics, tools, digital marketing methodologies... Test yourself with this test! (it won't take you more than 3 minutes). Take the test! FREE classes What would it be like to take one of our master's degrees? The best thing is that you try it yourself with these totally FREE classes! Sign up and live the experience of being part of the business school that has put the traditional educational model in check.
See free classes! The simple one : is the one that collects basic data to obtain the average Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data of the client's average spending. The real : is the one that takes into account the profit margin that the company obtains (the most used). The traditional one : it is the one that adds the variation of the value of money over time and the customer retention rate. Simple Customer Lifetime Value CLTV simple formula the client's weekly value (what the client spends in a week on products and/or services), which is calculated by multiplying the number of visits that client makes to the business by the average expenditure he makes (the income that you have obtained thanks to him between the number of purchases he has made), by
The average life of the client - the average length of time that the clientele is maintained. Then, you can multiply by the weeks you want to get (4 is a month, 8 is two months, 52 is a year). actual Customer Lifetime Value CLTV real one week formula For this value, the average life is multiplied by the value of the average purchase (calculation previously mentioned) by the weekly purchase frequency (number of total purchases by the number of customers who have made them) by the profit margin (subtract the purchase price to the expenses you have when producing the product).