Obtain important elements about your website traffic. In addition to the volume of traffic , even in real time, you can know its origin and the conversion rate , since it is possible to record what your objectives are . There is a lot of data that you can obtain and that will be very useful to determine your strategies or make changes when necessary. The Google Search Console will give you information about the position of your website in the search engine , and also offers .
you resources that facilitate its indexing , among other functions. if any problem is detected Fax Lists on your website or on any of your pages and informs you of some important modifications, considered by the search engine , to improve your organic visibility. By linking both tools you will have all this data in one place, making the analysis of your website much easier and more effective. You will have the data related to the acquisition and user behavior in one place . How does intertwining Google Analytics and Google Search optimize SEO positioning? We constantly hear about the importance.
of SEO for good positioning in search engines. As we well know, there are various techniques to improve it , however, we often forget to analyze the strategy. Google Analytics and Google Search Console give us excellent data to do this analysis, showing us how our website can be improved. ADVERTISEMENT Identifying the pages on your website that are best positioned can be a great starting point to improve SEO with some strategies. Using those pages in internal links within those pages that are not so well positioned can be very helpful in increasing your Page Authority and thus contributing to a better place in the search engine .