All strategies. The importance of humanized service practically speaking, the main impact of empathetic service is that, with it, you understand customers' needs more quickly. With this, it is possible to meet the expectations of this audience and optimize contact points and purchasing journeys. Based on identification, a clearer communication process can be created for chats and applications. In other words, the humanization of service allows you to understand the persona ’s behavior, preferences and pain points . Consequently, more effective solutions can be offered. For this to be possible, a dialogue between teams – and consumers – is crucial. In fact, dialogue and relationships must be established considering aspects such as: empathy; emotional intelligence; active listening; connection; honesty; proactive stance for resolution. Remember that this strategy must also promote recognition and personalization in the relationship. This will allow you to retain the customer, establishing a solid.
Relationship of trust and exclusivity. Humanized service in the digital context and sac 2.0 within the digital context, the internet and social networks reinforce and define once and for all the characteristics and importance of this empathetic dialogue. And this occurs for different reasons, with four main aspects: social networks and sac 2.0: it is necessary to consider that these platforms have changed consumption and service habits, so it is necessary to define the appropriate language for each of them; speed Bank User Number Data of information: the internet allows public conversations to circulate faster. This means that praise and criticism can go viral, so polite contact is a key factor in captivating, converting and managing crises; measuring results and segmentation: digital media provides an even better understanding of the target audience. Consequently, the results of interactions can be evaluated and analyzes for future strategies; process automation: an advantage of the online environment is process automation.
With this, emails, for example, can be sent more quickly to the customer base. Automation x personalization as we mentioned above, automation is an important ally in customer relationships. However, you need to know how to apply it to promote a personalized dialogue. A valuable example of this is the use of chatbots. This is because they allow you to quickly respond to user queries. However, for them to be effective, it is essential that artificial intelligence is applied to simulate human responses and natural conversations. Benefits of humanized care before addressing the benefits more directly, it is necessary to highlight some data: based on this information, the main benefits include improving the relationship between company and client. More specifically, it is possible to highlight the following advantages: more satisfied customers/partners; more credibility for the business.