by which we evaluate the success of the SEO optimizationactivity, the positions in Google are not the only way we can determine the effectivenessof the strategy used. One of the most complex and relevant metrics by which SEOactivity can be evaluated is the ROI (Return On Investment). In loosetranslation, ROI means the recovery rate of the investment, this beingexpressed by the percentage that shows how much of the invested amount isreturned as profit. Few people know that SEO has one of the highest ROIscompared to other online marketing tools. Even fewer calculate the ROI to seehow profitable the investment in SEO services was. Here is its simplifiedcalculation formula: ROI = (revenues obtained from the investment –
investment)*100/investment However, how is the ROI expressedin real terms when it comes to Italy WhatsApp Number Data SEO and how is this metric calculated in thecase of online stores who benefits from SEO optimization? First of all, it isimportant to know what is the ultimate goal of this online marketing tool. Manybelieve that the ultimate goal of SEO optimization is to increase organictraffic and online visibility. Partially wrong! Although they are importantobjectives, they are only means by which we reach the final goal of the SEOstrategy for an online store: increasing the conversion rate and sales. who arrived on your page following the SEOoptimization process, effectively become customers by buying the productsand/or services that your
website offers. Therefore, it is important to understand theROI from this point of view when we refer to SEO. Furthermore, here are thebest ways by which you can monitor and evaluate the recovery rate of theinvestment in SEO optimization services: 1) Check your monthly receipts fromthe Google Organic channel, relative to the costs of an SEO subscription. Forthis purpose, Google Analytics is your reliable partner in ROI evaluation.Thus, you can consult monthly reports related to the receipts obtained fromorganic traffic, further calculating the profitability of the SEO services inwhich you invest. But you have to take into account another important factor rganic traffic can influence direct traffic! More precisely, a user candiscover your website through a