Toggle Get notified of new lead results or Get notified of new account results in the top right corner of the search filters panel. access saved search sales navigator Once the toggle is clicked. Click on “Saved searches” next to the search bar to access your search. edit name saved search sales navigator A sidebar will appear. You can edit the name of your newly saved search by clicking on the pen icon. How To Find Saved Searches on Linkedin Sales Navigator? To access your saved searches Sales Navigator, simply click the “Saved Searches” in the top right of your homepage next to the search bar.
A sidebar will open on the right with all your saved Web Design and Development Service searches. how to find saved searches in sales navigator You can also access them the same through the Lead or Account search pages. find saved searches on lead and account search pages You will see a list of your saved searches with their names, criteria, and number of results. You can also see how many new leads or accounts have been added since you last ran the search. list saved searches sales navigator To run a saved search, click on its name.
You will see the results page with the same filters and keywords as you saved before. new results saved searches sales navigator Can I Export Saved Searches in Sales Navigator? Want to export your saved searches in Sales Navigator to a CSV file? You can install the Evaboot Chrome Extension and click on the “Export With Evaboot” button that will appear on your Sales Navigator. export sales navigator saved searches demo of the tool so you can clearly see how it works: Export Sales Navigator leads for free Evaboot will: Export lead information (name, job title, emails.