The report can be prepared by both the exchange and the owner of the channel where the post was posted. You can learn as much information as possible about working in Telegram and developing your business in the short free course “How to attract clients from Telegram and make money.” You will be taught to understand all the features and tools of Telegram, advance in it and create your own chatbots for any task. For the channel owner, you can register your channel on a special exchange and add it to the catalogue, to receive offers and host posts from other channels for a fee. The customer registers on the exchange and selects your channel.
Then he can offer advertising placement through the exchange or directly (some exchanges work only as a showcase, do not check channels and do not monitor compliance with conditions; the advertiser will have to negotiate the placement and check it independently). Cooperation Web Development Services with the Telegram advertising exchange guarantees receipt of payment: the customer transfers money to the exchange, which then transfers it to you after publishing the content. All benefits remain on your side. However, when working directly with an unknown advertiser, there is a risk that you will publish an ad but not receive payment for it.
We talked about how to promote a channel without advertising in the article “Trends for promotion in Telegram in 2023: new and proven methods.” Difficulties in document flow with exchanges From September 1, 2022, 18.1 of the Law “On Advertising” came into force, requiring market participants to provide complete information about advertising products on the Internet to Roskomnadzor. This means that the customer must put a special mark on each creative and provide information about himself as a buyer. The advertiser must also obtain an identifier from the advertising.