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please review our Privacy Policy . Email * Rock Content needs the contact Bolivia Mobile Number List information you provided to give you news about our products and services. You can unsubscribe from receiving our emails and newsletters at any time. For more information on how to do this, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting it, please review our Privacy Policy . How to make a concept map? 5 steps and 3 software to achieve it without difficulties A concept map is a study method that allows, through the use of keywords and graphics linked in a strategic or chronological manner, to memorize content quickly and easily. Redator Rock
Content Jul 31, 19 | 5 min read how to make a concept map It is a study technique that has been applied since the 60s and its main objective is to not only memorize the topics to be studied, but also to actively work in order to understand the concepts and have the ability to analyze them. concept maps are also used as a creative tool that could help you in the production of content , the development of a product, its commercial management, and much more. Creating a concept map is simple, but you must take some aspects into account. That's why today I want to talk to you about five steps that you should follow to achieve it without difficulty.