Explore the Japanese market through articles and in-depth studies from the GO TO JAPAN agency. With in-depth expertise, these resources offer insightful analyzes on the trends, opportunities and challenges shaping the Japanese business landscape. Whether you're looking to break into this market or expand your knowledge, immerse yourself in meticulous research that will guide you through the cultural intricacies and unique economic dynamics of Japan.
Welcome to the world of GO TO JAPAN, your privileged guide to excel in the Japanese DB to Data market. LINE, the essential messaging application in Japan SOCIAL MEDIA IN JAPAN LINE, the essential messaging application in Japan LINE is the most popular instant messenger in Japan, with over 94 million monthly active users. Social networks in Japan: what are the specificities? SOCIAL MEDIA IN JAPAN Social networks in Japan: what are the specificities.
A study on the specificities of the different social networks to be used in Japan for French companies. Young Japanese and the domination of social networN Young Japanese and the domination of social networks Young Japanese use networks to get information, interact with loved ones and participate in promotional campaigns. Dépenses publicitaires en ligne au yens (+4,4 % sur un an) Les médias les plus influents sur les réseaux sociaux au Japon CAMPAGNES MARKETING JAPON Les médias les plus influents sur les réseaux sociaux au Japon Comme dans le reste du monde, les réseaux sociaux occupent une place importante dans la promotion digitale sur le march.