If any step fails then the transaction fails and the data returns to its original state. Applying ACID properties determines the success of a transaction based on the success or failure of each step in the transaction. If a transaction does not comply with these properties, the reliability of the data may be questioned and errors may result. For example : an unsuccessful money transfer transaction, the sender's account was deducted 200,000 VND but the recipient's account did not increase 200,000 VND. acid transaction Example of an ACID transaction What are the versions of ACID? There are a total of four major versions of ACID, including: ACID 1 : This version requires compatibility with HTML 4 and CSS 1. It was originally called “Box Acid Test” and was used to test interoperability between web browsers, especially with Cascading Style Sheets 1.0 (CSS 1.0). By 2008, most browsers had met this ACID 1 standard. ACID 2: This version tests compatibility with CSS 1 and CSS 2, evaluating issues related to HTML markup, CSS 1 styling, CSS 2, PNG image standards, and URIs. Many browsers such as Safari , Opera, FireFox, etc. have passed ACID 2 testing. ACID 3 : This version evaluates compatibility with CSS 2.1 and DOM (Document Object Model). It is used to test web browsers' compliance to web standards, especially DOM elements and JavaScript.
ACID 3 focuses on technologies used in highly interactive web pages Telegram Number Data such as ECMAScript and DOM 2. ACID 4 :CSS 3, evaluating compliance with CSS 3 setup elements for a website. ACID versions play an important role in evaluating and determining the functionality and performance of web browsers against web standards, helping to ensure that websites can operate correctly and reliably. Reliable on many different platforms and browsers. acid concept ACID versions help evaluate web browsers Advantages and disadvantages of ACID property In databases, the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) property has been known to be an important standard to ensure data integrity and reliability. However, like any other technology, ACID is not perfect and has some pros and cons that need to be carefully considered. Advantage Data Consistency : The ACID property ensures that data is consistent and accurate after any transaction is performed. Data Integrity : The ACID property maintains data integrity by ensuring that any changes to the database are permanent and cannot be lost. Concurrency Control : ACID properties help manage multiple concurrent transactions by preventing “interference” between them.
Recoverability : The ACID property ensures that in the event of an error or crash, the system can restore data at that point in time. acid properties ACID has many outstanding advantages Defect Performance : ACID properties can increase overhead in the system because they require additional processing to ensure data consistency and integrity. Scalability : ACID properties can cause scalability problems in large distributed systems where many transactions occur concurrently. Complexity : Implementing ACID properties can increase system complexity and require significant resources and expertise. Which databases use ACID? ACID is used in most relational database systems (Relational Database Management Systems – RDBMS). This type of database is popular and widely used in enterprise applications, information management systems, e-commerce systems, and many other applications. Relational database systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and SQLite all support ACID.