You can start from your desk. Place all documents passport, driver's license, tax returns in a folder in a safe place. magazines or drafts from your desk into the trash can or leave them lying around there. Only until . Download a selection of materials to be guaranteed to find a job in IT in days List of documents: TOP job search sites from GeekBrains professions in , with an income of , rubles Checklist “How to successfully pass an interview” To receive the file, enter Already downloaded I confirm my consent to the processing of personal data .
Don't spend a lot of time organizing photos or books. Just Australia WhatsApp Number Data put them in a box. It makes no difference where the photos will be: in an album or on a shelf, the main thing is that you will know where they are. Promise yourself to throw away things a month. And after some time, you will feel how the space around you is cleared, the house becomes more spacious, and free time appears. practical recommendations for finding a job you like How to find a job you love that will also pay you decently? Let's consider practical recommendations.
Analyze your past experience Take a look at your work experience. What did you like or dislike about your previous jobs? This will help you determine the specifics of your wishes for a new place of work. Take the Career Guidance Test Although you may already be familiar with career guidance, it is best to update information about yourself, your hobbies and skills based on your experience. Work on your resume A good resume will help you get a job you like. It should be of optimal length, without unnecessary information, grammatical and semantic errors.