Click on the Proxy that is assigned to you. ProxyGuys Click On Proxy Step : Select the location which you want to access & click on the button “Connect”. ProxyGuys Click On Connect Step : Enter the Proxy with Port in Browser network settings or where you want to use it. If you’re using HTTPS then use port & If you’re using SOCKS then use port ProxyGuys Port Step : Enter Username & password given in the ProxyGuys dashboard. For more details, you can read this post. Single Location IP Or Multi Location IP Single-Location: Single Location means you pick a single location from the list of the locations. Once you order any one location proxy then ProxyGuys will send you proxy credentials.
IP PORT change their IP and after your purchase you can’t change location Belgium WhatsApp Number you pick one of the locations and you’ll get MB up MB down speeds and the IP auto rotates every mins. Multi-Location: ProxyGuys Pricing Multi & Single Location Multi Location proxy means you’ll get access to all locations at any time. If you need different location IPs then you must use multi location plan and change your IP location when you needed. Its pricing is different than a single location, you’ll be charged higher for this subscription.
Pricing Plan Of ProxyGuys: Let’s Review it ProxyGuys offer pricing according to the single location or multi-location proxy or VPN and giving access to a wide variety of fresh IP ranges. When you buy more than five proxyVPN licenses it offers bulk discounts. For multi-location hr day pass costs and for a multi-location week pass it costs week. If you go with a monthly plan then it costs month for multi-location month pass. ProxyGuys Pricing The multi-location bulk order costs ,month and you can get discount in this purchase.